Friday, October 28, 2011

Whhhyy is the Grass so green? Who did it? God did it!

Hello everyone! First off i really do apologize for not keeping up with this blog! I really have been terrible! Anyways, I have this on my heart and I felt it should be shared...Today was a great day! We have been doing care point ministry and sharing the message of True Love Waits with the youth at the care points. We started doing this towards the end of August and have been doing this since we have been here and in like 3 weeks it will be really sad for we will od our last carepoint. Anyways, today we were hanging out in the office and one of the people who works in the office came up to Sienna and I asked us if we were the girls teaching True Love Waits. We responded and told him we were and then he went on to tell us how encouraged he was by our program and how people keep talking about us and telling us how encouraged they are by the message we have been sharing. He told that we really are making a difference here and that we are leaving a legacy here in Swaziland. I do not know and then tonight we presented at a church for a youth group. i had a youth come up to me afterwards and tell me they talk a lot about sex there but that tonight Sienna and I brought up things they have not talked about and was jsut telling me how encouraged they were. I dunno Monica the other day was telling me that we have done a good job here. Sienna and I are not doing this ministry in order to get the earthly praise or good job. Please hear me out on that! We would do regardless of that. To hear that every once awhile can make your day. The pass couple of days the Lord has jsut been showing me how jsut simple words can have such a profound impact on people. Many times we wait until people are no longer around to talk about how much they mean to us or that we appreciate what they do. I jsut write this as encouragement to many maybe there is something that someone does that you really appreciate but you never tell them or you contiously forget. You should go out of your way this week and let them know definitely before it is too late. You may never know you may make their day! I love you all and miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. I have loved getting to know you two and seeing God use two ministries to enhance the other. The program is great and I am excited that you have been open and honest about sex and what the truth is. Love the illustration of the difference between true love and lust. You have made a difference. Thank you for being such a usable vessel for God.
