Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July...Even in Africa!

Hello everyone! I am still alive and well in Africa! Let see here since I have last written on here we have left Manzini but we did go back just a couple of days ago and do our first True Love Wait presentation at one of the high schools there. I think it went really well especially considering it was our first time doing the presentation. We presented to about 50 or something high school and we had about 30 of them at the end come and make commitments to wait to have sex til they were married from that day on which is very exciting. The teachers that sat in were really good also we had one come up to me at the end and told em He appreciated that we were willing to come all the way from America and share such an important message. He was glad we were there and thought we had a really good program and it was just really cool to have that. It really I think put things in to perspective for Sienna and I. Plus, we got to have one of the nationals named Tommy come along with us and at the end he was able to present the commitment cards in SiSwati also during the presentation he was able to help us out by reading some of the scriptures used in SiSwati. It was just a big help and a blessing! I pray that the nationals are able to come every time.
We also have celebrated the Fourth of July since the last time I have been on here. We had an Afro-American fourth or at least that is what we were calling it. We had the missionaries on the teams here come to one of the missionaries Monica house. We had hotdogs, hamburgers, baked beans, coleslaw, my personal fav banana pudding and choc brownies. We hung out and played Wii and it was a fun time to be had by all. It was really weird though because it had rained that morning where we are and it was so incredibly cold on the fourth. We did all of our festivities inside by the fire place which seemed a little crazy and a part of me wished I was at home celebrating where I knew it was probably stinkin hot! It is all good! Yeah, life here is good and I think we are starting to adjust a little more every day. Sienna is beginning to master the technique of building a fire (I keep calling her our lil girl scout) and I think I may have public transportation mastered…maybe! Also, I am starting to turn into a reg betty crocker! Sienna is teaching me how to cook it is quite comical but in due time it will come! I think this is about it for now….Hope you are all doing well! I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I think the training of Betty Crocker is preparation for something else in your life! LOL I am so glad that you are doing good and beginning to adjust! Know we are still and will continue to pray for you all! We love you sooooooooooooooooooooo much and miss you too!!!
